Egorise 穿戴出女人的自信,重拾妳的個性!


ego源自於拉丁文自我的意思,英文rise除了原意揚升外,同時也取自飾品accessorise字尾。所謂流行,往往盲目從眾,迷失自我。希冀每個女人都能夠勇敢地展現自我,藉由個性獨具的飾品,展現出合乎自己的風格。Egorise 盡責扮演好綠葉的角色 ,陪襯出每個女人各自的韻味,由妳來駕馭飾品,而非被飾品掩過妳個人的風采。更貼近妳的生活方式,在各種場合裡流光溢彩。
Ego is derived from the Latin, which means self. Fashion is always a blind conformity. Egorise hopes every woman dares to show themselves with personalized jewelery. Egorise have plays a role to bring out charm. Every woman can wear, accessories at ease instead of being covered with jewelry. egorise can be closer to women’s lifestyle.

Eason Chiu