EMF-828 3D 電磁波測試器-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw


具 X、Y、Z 三軸指向電磁波強度測量EMF-828 電磁波測試器用於快速簡單、精確測量電力線週邊'家電產品及工業設備的電磁波輻射的強度20/200/2,000 micro Tesla, 200/2,000/20,000 milli Gauss 廣泛的測量範圍EMF-828 以手持方式有效測量 30Hz to 300Hz.頻寬範圍內電磁波輻射的強度超大 LCD 液晶螢幕數字顯示讀值鎖定分離式感測棒,操作簡單及遠距測量DC 9V電池供應電力購買時硬盒包括在內
Three axis ( X, Y, Z direction ) electromagnetic field measurement.The EMF tester is designed to provide user a quick, reliable and easy way to measure electromagnetic field radiation levels around power lines, electrical appliances and industrial devices.Wide measuring ranges, 3 ranges of 20 micro Tesla, 200 micro Tesla & 2000 micro Tesla.The EMF tester is a cost effective, hand-held instrument designed and calibrated to measure electromagnetic field radiation at wide bandwidths from 30 Hz to 300 Hz.LCD display, jumbo digit size.Data hold.Separate probe, easy operation.DC 9V battery power supply.Hard case included.

EMF-828 3D 電磁波測試器可測量電腦螢幕’視聽系統’家電設備’醫療設備’電力系統等所產生之電磁波This EMF tester is specifically designed to determine the magnitude of electromagnetic field radiation generated by power lines, computer's monitor, TV sets, video machinery and many other similar devices.
型錄請參考上偉科技企業服務網 http://www.sunwe.com.tw/:新品保固一年,滿3000元以上免運費專業的工程安裝及精確維修以"合法、專業"服務優質客戶,請來電02-22267567上偉科技服務中心洽詢
