不知不覺中 您的牙齒變整齊漂亮了 — 舌側隱藏式矯正


隱藏式舌側矯正的最大優點,就是別人不知道您正在接受矯正治療 — 一直 到現在,金屬或透明矯正器由於黏在牙齒的外側,因此顯得很明顯。

但是對於一些職業的人士來說 ,他們經常需要與人交談,或是對於一些女性來說,她們非常在乎她們的外觀,決定要將牙套黏在外面一年甚至更多的時 間,的確需要很大的勇氣,她們希望接受一種不被別人知道的治療。為了要迎合許多人的需求,在登士美,我們引進與世界同步的特殊矯正器 — 舌側隱藏式矯正器。

所使用的治療原理與治療結果完全相同於一般的唇側矯正(甚至在某些病例上,更優於傳統矯正,如深咬、暴牙 …),而且更重 要的是沒有年齡的限制;事實上,在登士美我們曾經幫助各種年齡層的患 者重新獲得美麗怡人的笑容而不需要煩惱他們的日常社交生活,當患者剛 裝上矯正器的1至3週間,他們也許會覺得在飲食和發音上會有點干擾,但 是接下來,他們將會逐漸習慣,一切都會恢復正常。請與我們連結洽詢更 進一部的細節。

The greatest merit of invisible orthodontics is that people cannot tell you are in orthodontic treatment.
Up until quite recently, the only big bottleneck is that metal or transparent braces show prominently on the outside of teeth.

Certainly for people who are required to speak frequently in public and for women who are at the age when they are partialarly concerned with their appearance, the decision to go through a year or more with braces fitted on the outside of one's teeth has required a lot of courage. They want to have treatment that other people are not aware of.

In order to meet this desire of many people, at Dens Beauty, we specialize in putting braces on the lingual side of the teeth, making it possible to treat people without being aware of the orthodontic treatment (invisible orthodontics).

The methods and treatment results obtained using this approach are not any different from labial orthodontics, and there's no age limit. When the braces are first placed, the patient may experience some difficulty in eating and/or in pronunciation , but after 1-3 weeks, you will get accustomed to it, and life will return to normal, please visit us at Dens Beauty for further details.

